Friday, October 30, 2009

Breadboard Rack

Breadboard Rack
Tom Zimmerman | Make Vol. 11- 2007 | Pdf | 4 pgs | 2 mb
Solderless protoboards are a convenient way to
build electronic circuits, but interconnecting several
boards gets messy. Adding input and output (I/O)
components such as switches, potentiometers,
jacks, and LEDs requires drilling, wiring, and stuffing
it all into a box, where it's hard to debug and modify.

A nicer approach, which I borrowed from early
analog synthesizers, is to build handy modules that
carry one protoboard each and plug into a rack.
Each module carries its protoboard underneath,
and the circuit's I/O components are on a visible
and easily reachable front panel, just like any other
device that hides its complex circuitry inside and
exposes only the controls and connectors.

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