Japanese Traditional Patterns - Part 4
PDF | 21 pgs | 40 mb
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Dictionary of Chemistry
Dictionary of Chemistry
McGraw Hill | Mark D. Licker | Pdf | 443 pgs | 3 mb
The McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Chemistry provides a compendium of 8000 terms that are central to chemistry and related fields of science and technology. The coverage in this Second Edition is focused on the the areas of analytical chemisty, general chemistry, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, and spectroscopy, with new terms added and others revised as necessary.
Chemistry deals with the composition, properties, and structure of matter. Its various branches analyze composition and properties, and study the changes that occur in matter, the underlying processes, the energetics of these processes, and the rates at which they occur. Thus, the terms contained in this Dictionary may be used in virtually all areas of science, for example, biochemistry, geochemistry, and cosmochemistry, and in many areas of technology.
All of the definitions are drawn from the McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, Sixth Edition (2003). Each definition is classified according to the field with which it is primarily associated; if it is used in more than one area, it is identified by the general label [CHEM]. The pronunciation of each term is provided, along with synonyms, acronyms, and abbreviations where appropriate. A guide to the use of the Dictionary appears on pages vii-viii, explaining the alphabetical organization of terms, the format of the book, cross referencing, chemical formulas, and how synonyms, variant spellings, abbreviations, and similar information are handled. The Pronunciation Key is provided on page x. The Appendix provides conversion tables for commonly used scientific units as well as other listings of chemical data.
Practical Troubleshooting of Electrical Equipment and Control Circuits
Practical Troubleshooting of Electrical
Equipment and Control Circuits
Elsevier | ISBN 0 7506 6278 6 | Pdf | 246 pgs | 7 mb
There is a large gap between the theory of electron flow, magnetic fields and that of troubleshooting electrical equipment and control circuits in the plant. In this book, we try to avoid or at least minimize discussions on the theory and instead focus on showing you how to troubleshoot electrical equipment and control circuits. The book helps to increase your knowledge and skills in improving equipment productivity whilst reducing maintenance costs. Reading this book will help you identify, prevent and fix common electrical equipment and control circuits. The focus is ‘outside the box’. The emphasis is on practical issues that go beyond typical electrical theory and focus on providing those that attend with the necessary toolbox of skills in solving electrical problems, ranging from control circuits to motors and variable speed drives.
This book focuses on the main issues of troubleshooting electrical equipment and control circuits of today to enable you to walk onto your plant or facility to troubleshoot and fix problems as quickly as possible. This is not an advanced book but one aimed at the fundamentals of troubleshooting systems. The book is very practical in its approach to troubleshooting and the examples you will be shown are applicable to any facility.
Country Blues Guitar In Open Tunings - Stefan Grossman
The Art of Writing Reasonable Organic Reaction Mechanisms
The Art of Writing Reasonable Organic Reaction Mechanisms
Robert B. Grossman | ISBN 0-387-95468-6 | Pdf | 371 pgs | 7 mb
The purpose of this book is to help you learn how to draw reasonable mechanisms for organic reactions. A mechanism is a story that we tell to explain how compound A is transformed into compound B under given reaction conditions. Imagine being asked to describe how you travelled from New York to Los Angeles (an overall reaction). You might tell how you traveled through New Jersey to Pennsylvania, across to St. Louis, over to Denver, then through the Southwest to the West Coast (the mechanism). You might include details about the mode of transportation you used (reaction conditions), cities where you stopped for a few days (intermediates), detours you took (side reactions), and your speed at various points along the route (rates). To carry the analogy further, there is more than one way to get from New York to Los Angeles; at the same time, not every story about how you traveled from New York to Los Angeles is believable. Likewise, more than one reasonable mechanism can often be drawn for a reaction, and one of the purposes of this book is to teach you how to distinguish a reasonable mechanism from a whopper.
It is important to learn how to draw reasonable mechanisms for organic reactions because mechanisms are the framework that makes organic chemistry make sense. Understanding and remembering the bewildering array of reactions known to organic chemists would be completely impossible were it not possible to organize them into just a few basic mechanistic types. The ability to formulate mechanistic hypotheses about how organic reactions proceed is also required for the discovery and optimization of new reactions.
The general approach of this book is to familiarize you with the classes and
types of reaction mechanisms that are known and to give you the tools to learn how to draw mechanisms for reactions that you have never seen before.
Animating Real-Time Game Characters
Animating Real-Time Game Characters
Paul Steed | ISBN: 1-58450-270-3 | Pdf | 400 pgs | 12 mb
My intent in writing Animating Real-Time Game Characters has been to share my work methods, thoughts, and ideas about animating real-time characters in 3ds max 4™ and character studio 3®. Any factor that affects the animation process using these two tools has been covered. Design, modeling, texturing, rigging, weighting, keyframing, motion capture, and exporting to a game engine are all in here. Written for the relatively new or intermediate user of 3ds max, the book isn't just a rehash of the manuals and tutorials that came with your software, it's a companion to them. Make sure that you know your way around 3ds max 4 at a basic level and that you have at least gone through the animation tutorials in order to understand the terminology that will be used. Since I usually wait at least a year after the latest version of 3ds max comes out until I begin using it, the information presented doesn't include or apply to 3ds max 5. However, with the exception of a couple of key features, I'm confident that many of the tips and tricks covered will work for 3ds max 3 and 3ds max 5 as well.
To illustrate ideas, tips, tricks, and techniques, I've used several characters from games or projects I've completed over the last year and a half, but most often I've used a character called Betty Bad from the self-titled game that was released January 2002 by WildTangent. This is primarily to show you the thought and work that goes into an implemented game character. By doing so, I've hopefully given you a snapshot of what I do every day and have been doing every day for the past nine years: character animation. It's not just my job, it's my hobby, passion, and the thing I love to discuss with others.
Friday, August 21, 2009
100 Ideas for Your Blog
No One Cares What You Had for Lunch: 100 Ideas for Your Blog
Margaret Mason | Peachpit Press | PDF | 145pgs| 12mb
Margaret Mason | Peachpit Press | PDF | 145pgs| 12mb
100 | Just write.
How many people have visited your site today? More than yesterday?
No! Less! Is that because it’s only 8 a.m.? Or is it because people
hate that last post you wrote? They definitely hate it. You should
take it down. But who do these people think they are? You can write
whatever you want! Who are they to decide whether your work has
merit? Still, maybe you should take it down.
Whoa there. Get yourself a soothing cup of herbal tea, and think
about why you’re doing this. Most people who blog do not have many
readers. And by “most,” I mean that the vast majority of bloggers are
writing for their friends and family. If your only motivation is to write
for an audience, you may find it tough to maintain the moderate but
consistent pace you need to earn that audience.
Frankly, providing a steady stream of content for a few years is one
of the only sure ways to build traffic. That means you’ll need more
profound motivation than building a readership. You’ll need to love
what you’re writing about.
So take a breath, back away from the stats, and make your own list of
things that make you want to write. Post about each and every one,
and then leave the keyboard in peace.
Adobe Photoshop CS3 A–Z
Adobe Photoshop CS3 A–Z
Tools and features illustrated ready reference
Philip Andrews | ISBN 978-0-240-52065-0 | PDF | 321 pgs | 37mb
Tools and features illustrated ready reference
Philip Andrews | ISBN 978-0-240-52065-0 | PDF | 321 pgs | 37mb
The CS3 version, just like the releases before it, is a state-of-the-art image-editing program full of the features and functions that digital photographers and desktop image makers desire the most.
In fact, the program has become so comprehensive that producing an illustrated A–Z book like this one is not just a nicety, but has become a necessity. The software coversso many areas that Photoshop users needed a quick ready reference guide to all the major tools and features.
All entries include shortcut keys, menu locations and are cross-referenced to other Photoshop features that relate. Many features also include step-by-step guides to their usage and extended visual examples of the effects of using different settings on your pictures.
Keep this ready reference handy for all those occasions when you ask yourself ‘What does that do?’
But most of all keep enjoying your digital image making!
Human Body I
Human Body I
Britannica Illustrated Science Library
ISBN 978-1-59339-809-5 | Pdf | 56 pgs | 19 mb
How can we understand what we are? What are we made of? Are we aware that all that we do—including reading this book—is the work of a marvelous machine? We know very little about how we are able to be conscious of our own actions; nevertheless, even though we are usually not very aware of it, this community of organs that is the body—an integrated system that includes the brain, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, muscles, bones, skin, and endocrine glands— acts together in exquisitely regulated harmony.
It is interesting that various mechanisms work together to keep the temperature of the body at 98.6° F (37° C); thanks to the dynamic structure of bones and cartilage, the body is maintained in perfect balance. The body also has a fantastic ability to transform the food it ingests into living tissues, bones, and teeth, all of which contribute to its growth. By this same process, we obtain the energy for working and playing. It is hard to imagine that not long ago the cells of the body of the person reading this book were autonomous and were duplicating themselves freely within the walls of a mother's uterus.
Certainly no one reading this book could recognize herself or himself in those cells. Nevertheless, each cell carried within it the information necessary for the development of that person. Everything that happens inside us is truly fascinating. Therefore, we invite you to enjoy this book. It is full of incredible facts and illustrations that will show you the complex ways each part of the body works.
Bluesy me - Blues Collection
Bluesy me - Blues Collection
50 mp3s | 128Kbps| 200mb
- -Am I wrong - Keb' Mo'
- -Bad Luck Blues - Joe Louis Walker
- -Better Not Look Down - B.B.King
- -Blues after hours
- -Blues At Sunrise - Gary B.B. Coleman
- -Born in Mississippi - Joe Louis Walker
- -Chains and Things - B.B.King
- -Change My Ways - Joe Louis Walker
- -Cold day in hell - Gary Moore
- -Cold, Lonely nights
- -Colin James - Cadillac(Baby)
- -Cry, Cry darling
- -Cryin' And Thinkin - Gary B.B. Coleman
- -Do The Walkin' - Joe Louis Walker
- -Don't Answer The Door - B.B.King
- -Don't say that no more
- -Dust My Blues - Elmore James
- -For Miss Caulker - Burdon
- -Goin' Back To Florida - Little Mike
- -Hit The Road - f. FAbrizzi & g. Lottoni
- -Hoochy Coochy Man Waters
- -How Blue Can You Get - E Wilson
- -How Many More Nights - E. Wilson
- -How much more long
- -Howlin' wolf - Muddy waters
- -Hummingbird - B.B.King
- -I am the blues - Memphis slim
- -I've Got The Blues For You - O. Peep
- -Jimmy Reed - Cry Before I Go
- -Little angel child
- -Little Car Blues - Luther 'Houserocker' Johnson
- -Lonely Room - Willie Hill
- -Louisiana Bound - Gregg Smith
- -Midnight believe - B.B.King
- -Miss Celie's Blues - Jones
- -Mother-in-law Blues - Little Mike
- -Need Your Love so Bad (mertis Jun)
- -Now Is The Right Time - R. Van Den Nieuwendi
- -Pass The Biscuits Please - Andre Williams
- -Paying The Cost to Be The Boss - B.B.King
- -Playin' With My Friends(with Robert Cray) - B.B.King
- -Potato Chips - Slim Gaillard
- -Red House - Hendrix
- -Since I've been Loving you Too long (Page, Plant, Jones)
- -Spider in my stew
- -Spoiled Rotten To The Bone - Jerry Mc Cain
- -Still got the blues - Gary Moore
- -Telephone Blues - Eddy Wilsons
- -Texas flood - Stevie Ray Vaughn & Double
- -The Duke Robillard Band - Love Slipped In
Telekinetic Pen
Using a small battery, a magnetic reed switch, and a miniature pager motor, this device will fit concealed inside a fine-point Sharpie pen. When a magnet is drawn near, the contacts on the reed switch close, making the Sharpie dance and vibrate on a table. I call this device the Telekinetic Pen.
The entire device can be built in an hour or two, with only a couple of soldered connections and a
little work with hand tools. You can even "prove" it's a real pen by writing with it.
The Telekinetic Pen is a real attention-getter, and as far as the requisite magician's patter and
routines, your imagination is the limit.
With a 1/16" drill bit, drill a cross-hole as close to the end of the brass tube as possible (Figure A). To prevent the tube from crushing, insert a regular Crayola crayon into the end before you drill.
Take the motor, bend 1 lead downward, and solder to an end of the reed switch. Solder a short length of the 24-gauge wire to the other motor lead so that it extends upward and beyond the motor by 1" or so (Figures B- D).
Put a section of coffee straw around the reed switch (Figure E). Slip a plastic soda straw around
the motor plus the switch, and add a little extra length (Figure F). Bend the unsoldered lead of the reed switch 90° from its original position. Solder the button end of the battery directly to the lead on the switch (Figure G). The motor/reed switch/battery assembly is complete.
Slide the assembly into the tube, battery first, until the top of the motor weight is just flush with the tube end (Figure H). Push on the straw to get the assembly into the tube. If the fit is loose, secure with a drop of super glue.
Bend the top wire around the tube and downward. Solder the wire onto the outside of the tube and let it cool (Figure J).
After cooling, manually check the rotation of the motor to make sure that the wire does not interfere with the counterweight. If it does, push the wire away with a pencil.
Insert the spring, then the washer, and finally the cross-pin, which holds everything in place. The cross-pin can be made from a properly sized brad or any type of sturdy metal, and cut and filed to length.
Pull the Sharpie apart (Figure K). Discard the large ink reservoir. With pliers, remove the writing point from the nose (Figure L), and set the point aside. With an 11/32" drill bit. drill out the nose of the Sharpie to a depth of around 1". Snip the writing point to about 1/4" long, and reinsert it into the Sharpie nose. Now insert the vibrating module into the Sharpie and snap the 2 ends together. Put the cap back on (Figure M). When a magnet is drawn near the pen. or vice versa, it will vibrate.
Neodymium magnets have the best power-to-size ratios of all magnets. and can be concealed easily. A drop of super glue can hold one under your hand, and when you sweep it over the Telekinetic Pen, it'll set it off. The magnet can be peeled off afterward, and any glue remnants will wear away.
NOTE: The Telekinetic Pen will be heavier than a standard Sharpie. so plan accordingly.
- Telekinetic Pen Kit: The Maker Store
(store makezine.com) is offering a parts kit for this project, including a cut-to-length brass tube, the micro pager motor. reed switch, spring, washer, and pin material.
Brian Dereu is a self-employed manufacturer who enjoys
gadgets, fishing, and family.
Make Magazine Vo. 13
Computer repair with diagnostic flowcharts
Computer repair with diagnostic flowcharts
Morris Rosenthal | PDF | 113 pgs | 8mb
Bonus: Computer monitor repair
PDF | 5 pgs | 0,8mbMorris Rosenthal | PDF | 113 pgs | 8mb
Bonus: Computer monitor repair
Drum Programming
Drum Programming
Ray F Badness | PDF | 58 pgs | 12mb
Ray F Badness | PDF | 58 pgs | 12mb
During my years at college, I searched high and low for a book such as this one. One that was geared toward the novice user and could explain both the basics of drumming and drum programming in 100 page or less. I'm still looking for that book. Luckily, you've just found it.
Polyhedron Origami For Beginners
Polyhedron Origami For Beginners
Miyuki Kawamura | ISBN 4-8896-085-6 | Pdf | 100 pgs | 13 mb
Miyuki Kawamura | ISBN 4-8896-085-6 | Pdf | 100 pgs | 13 mb
This Book is for Everyone-- those who already love polyhedra, and those who don't know anything about them.
Do you love polyhedra? Have you made them before? Or are they a complete mystery to you? I myself have loved polyhedra since I was a child, partly because I could see so many different shapes in a single polyhedron. (But, really, I don't know why I love polyhedra. I just love them, and that's all.) Before I began to study polyhedra, and to build them with origami, I didn't know there were so many polyhedra in the world.
There was no one to teach me, and there were no books to show me. I wanted other people to be able to easily learn about polyhedra,
and to make them themselves, and so I wrote this book. I hope this book leads you into the world of polyhedra!
Storyboards : Motion in art
Storyboards : Motion in art
Mark Simon | ISBN-13: 978-0-240-80805-5 | PDF | 450 pgs | 43mb
This book contains two decades of my experience and a lot of great art from many talented individuals. The information here is not only for the artist who would like to pursue storyboarding as a career; it is also for all those other people who have to quickly “board” something to get their point across and for those who need to be able to work with boards done by others. Years ago, most people didn’t know what storyboards were. Now, with the popularity of DVD behind-the-scenes extras and making-of books, it’s a well-known process. What isn’t well understood is where the storyboard artist’s true talent lies. It isn’t in the quality of the art. I’ve seen a number of beautiful illustrations that made useless storyboards. I’ve also seen bad art tell a visual story in such a way that an entire crew of production personnel instantly knew what the director wanted. That made a good storyboard. Great visual storytelling is a blueprint for all production.
I hope you allow this book to be your blueprint to understanding the process I love so dearly.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Daniel Sahuleka Live Concert
Dosch 3D - Shop Design
Dosch 3D - Shop Design
daa | 273mb
50 ready-to-use 3D-models for furnishing and equipping a shopping environment with functional and/or sales promoting elements. Included are various shelving designs, a mulitude of important store equipment (inc. shopping cart/basket, register, check-out lane with conveyor belt, POS scanners, terminals and paymen systems) and promotional displays.
Use these models for realistic visualization of groceries or department store interiors. Save time and avoid headache of creating your own models.
The 3D-models are provided in multiple file formats: 3DS, 3ds max (ver. 4/above),
Lightwave (ver. 6/above), DXF, OBJ, Maya (ver. 5/above), VRML and
Cinema 4D (ver. 6/above).
This product is compatible with:
* 3ds max
* Accurender
* AutoCAD
* Autodesk VIZ 4
* Bryce
* Carrara Studio 3
* Cinema 4D
* Deep Paint 3D
* Electric Image
* formZ
* Houdini
* Image Studio (Alias)
* Maya
* Poser 4 + ProPack
* Rhinoceros
* solidThinking
* Strata3D CX
* trueSpace (Caligari)
* Vue d'Esprit4/Pro4
Instruction: Extract with PowerISO
How-to Hydroponics
How-to Hydroponics
Keith Roberto | ISBN - 0-9672026-1-2 | Pdf | 102 pgs | 7 mb
Keith Roberto | ISBN - 0-9672026-1-2 | Pdf | 102 pgs | 7 mb
How-To Hydroponics has been written in an easy to follow style that combines a basic yet comprehensive background in the science of hydroponics with the hands-on experience that makes learning fun. Whether you grow for fun, food or profit, this
completely revised edition covers everything you’ll need to know to develop a working knowledge of the technology.
You’ll learn, step-by-step, how to build and operate all the hydroponic and aeroponic systems detailed for construction in the book. You’ll learn how to grow your favorite flowers, herbs and veggies with this exciting technology that is revolutionizing the
agricultural industry.
Cut Hair at Home Lika a Pro
Cut Hair at Home Lika a Pro
Steven Woodham| Pdf | 56 pgs | 2 mb
Anyone can cut hair. All it takes is a desire to do so and a few basic instructions. What is most important is practice.
After a trip to the beauty salon or barber shop, most people feel as if some mystery or secret has just been performed. It is as if someone has waved a magic wand over our head. All we know is that after a good haircut we look a little neater and more well groomed. The purpose of this book is to take the mystery out of cutting hair. This book will show you the basics. In an illustrated, easy to understand, step by step format, you will learn everything from what tools you will need to do a good job, to the three basic methods from which all cuts and styles are derived.
It is important that you read this book completely from cover to cover before attempting any of the cuts.
One word of caution: it is unlawful, in most places, to cut hair without a license. If you are reading this book, you may want to consider becoming a licensed professional. I have included a special section on the pros and cons of haircutting as a career for those who may be interested. In any case, one need not be a licensed professional to perform a professional looking haircut. I have seen several so called “home haircuts” in my career that looked as good as what I myself, a licensed professional, could do. In the next chapter, we will get started so you too, can cut hair like a pro.
Band in a Box 2009
Just type in the chords for any song using standard chord symbols (like C, Fm7, or C13b9), choose the style you’d like, and Band-in-a-Box does the rest, automatically generating a complete professional -quality arrangement of piano, bass, drums, guitar, and strings or horns in a wide variety of popular styles. Live audio tracks can be created using RealDrums and RealTracks.
And that’s not all...
Band-in-a-Box is a powerful and creative music composition tool for exploring and developing musical ideas with near-instantaneous feedback. Over the years many features have been added to Band-in-a-Box – Notation and Lyrics, Piano Roll, 16-channel MIDI Multitracks, Harmonization, the StyleMaker and StylePicker, a live performance Conductor window, Medley Maker, and 24 –substyle Multistyles. The Soloist and the Melodist are popular “intelligent” features that generate professional solos or even create whole new songs from scratch. RealDrums adds the human element of a live drummer while RealTracks add even more live session musicians, bringing the entire Band-in-a-Box arrangement to life. The Audio Chord Wizard has the amazing ability to analyze, extract, and show the chords from audio recordings on-screen and then write them to the Band-in-a-Box chord sheet. The inclusion of digital audio features makes Band-in-a-Box the perfect tool for creating, playing, and recording your music with MIDI, vocals, and acoustic instruments. Band-in-a-Box for Windows® can also record an acoustic instrument or voice to add to the composition, with processing through its own DirectX audio effects. Its built-in TC Helicon audio harmonies will turn your audio track into multiple harmony parts or adjust its pitch, with vibrato and scooping effects for realistic vocal styles and up to sixteen choral parts. You can print out your finished creation with lyrics, chords, repeats and endings, DC markings and codas, or save it as a graphics file for web publication or to e-mail to a friend. And when you're ready to let others hear your composition, you can burn it directly to an audio CD. Or save your composition as a Windows Media File (or in any other compressed formats you have) for a file that’s “Internet ready.” You’ll have even more fun making automatic medleys, playing your favorite song lists in the Band-in-a-Box Jukebox, and singing along to your Karaoke files with CDG graphics.
Lighting Photo Workshop
Lighting Photo Workshop
Chris Bucher | ISBN: 978-0-470-11433-9 | 305 pgs | 40 mb
Chris Bucher | ISBN: 978-0-470-11433-9 | 305 pgs | 40 mb
After 10 years of helping photographers hone their skills on photoworkshop.com, I’m thrilled to present this new line of books in partnership with Wiley Publishing.
I believe that photography is for everyone, and books are a new extension of the site’s commitment to providing an education in photography, where the quest for knowledge is fueled by inspiration. To take great images is a matter of learning some basic techniques and “finding your eye.” I hope this book teaches you the basic skills you need to explore the kind of photography that excites you.
The Ancient Art of Bonsai - AK Kimura
The word bonsai simply means “a plant in a tray”. Authentic records of bonsai trees date back to the early 14th century. It is quite possible, owever, that the practice of bonsai culture originated over 1,000 years ago in China on a very basic scale known as pun-sai, where only a single specimen is grown in a pot. These early specimens displayed sparse foliage and rugged, gnarled trunks which often looked like animals, dragons and birds. There are a great number of myths and legends surrounding Chinese bonsai, and the grotesque or animal-like trunks and root formations are still highly-prized today.
Bonsai has now evolved to reflect changing tastes and times - with a great variety of countries, cultures and conditions in which it is now practiced. In Japan today, bonsai are highly regarded as a symbol of their culture and ideals. The New Year is not complete unless the tokonoma - the special niche in every Japanese home used for the display of ornaments and prized possessions - is filled with a blossoming apricot or plum tree. Bonsai is no longer reserved for the upper-class, but is a joy shared by executive and factory worker alike.
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