Saturday, October 03, 2009

The Sweet Sound of Particleboard

The Sweet Sound of Particleboard
David Battino | Make Vol. 10- 2007 | Pdf | 2 pgs | 1 mb
After transforming a record player and some plumbing
parts into a spinning speaker (seeMAKE, Volume
05, page 24), George "the Fat Man" Sanger is back
with a new way to enhance yourguitar sound.

His Goodwill Amp Enhancer is a DIY version of
the commercially available Enhancer. which beefs
up the tone of open-back amps by redirecting the
"lost" sound to the front.

The nicely finished commercial versions start at
$150 (, but the Fat Man built his
enhancer out of a $15 computer desk he scavenged
from a thrift shop. "It took just an hour or two," he
reports, "and adds wonderful tone to my amp."

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